River Creek WGA ByLaws
Article I - NAME
The name of this golf club shall be the River Creek Women’s Golf Association (hereinafter referred to as the WGA).
Article II - PURPOSE
FIRST: To stimulate interest in golf at the River Creek Club (“the Club”) by bringing together a group of golfers desirous of forming a golfing organization.
SECOND: To enhance the golf program at River Creek Club by providing events and programs that bridge the various levels of play and help to develop all player levels.
THIRD: To encourage conformance to the USGA Rules of Golf by creating a representative authority.
FOURTH: To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the USGA Handicap System.
FIFTH: To provide an authoritative body to govern and to conduct club competitions.
SIXTH: To act as a liaison between the River Creek Club management, the golf staff and the WGA membership.
Section 3.1 Eligibility
Membership shall be available to all female amateur golfing members in good standing of River Creek Club, 18 years of age or older, with a reasonable and regular opportunity to play golf with fellow members and who can personally return scores for posting and receive USGA Handicap Indexes.
Section 3.2 Terms
Memberships in the WGA are for a calendar year only, with all memberships expiring on December 31st. Memberships in the WGA are individual and non-transferable. Membership confers no voice in the operation of River Creek Club’s golf course, clubhouse or any facilities of the course or the Club .
Section 3.3 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year for the WGA will be January 1st through December 31st.
Section 3.4 Tournaments and Events
Participation in WGA tournaments and events is only granted to those members in good standing, who have paid their annual dues and have an established handicap in accordance with the USGA Handicap System.
Section 3.5 General Membership Meetings
There shall be a minimum of two WGA general membership meetings a year. A preseason general meeting will be held to inform the WGA membership of plans for the coming year and to present the approved budget, as well as any other business that may arise. The annual fall meeting of the WGA shall be held during the month of October for the purpose of presenting a new board. Presentations of year-end awards and other business shall be conducted at this time.
The Board of Directors shall provide for the holding of such other meetings as may be deemed necessary. Any WGA member may call a special general membership meeting upon written petition signed by not less than 10% (ten percent) of the membership.
Section 3.6 Quorum
A legal quorum at any face-to-face general membership meeting shall be 35% (thirty-five percent) of the total membership number as of the previous March 31st, present in person or by proxy. A legal quorum for any decision by electronic ballot, including elections, shall be 50% plus 1 of the total membership number as of the previous March 31st. Each active member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote in all regular and special meetings and electronic ballots.
Section 3.7 Dues
All membership fees and dues shall be established by the Board of Directors from time to time in such amounts as they deem to be adequate to operate and to maintain the WGA. Dues for active members will be billed annually in December for the next fiscal year. Members who resign after March 15th will not receive a refund. Members joining before September 1st shall pay the full amount of dues. WGA membership is automatic if you participate in any WGA sponsored event or activity. All monies collected shall accrue to the benefit of the membership. Special exceptions to the dues policies can be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors for good cause if the member has not participated in a WGA sponsored event or activity and applies for the exception in writing.
Section 4.1 Terms
The Board of Directors shall consist of a president and four (4) directors, all of which are members in good standing of the River Creek Club, and they shall exercise all powers of management of the WGA not specifically excepted by these By-Laws. All five (5) members will each serve a term of up to two years, commencing with their election and installation at the fall general election/meeting or after election at such other time as occurs, and ending when her replacement Director is elected. The president shall be elected to a two-year term in odd numbered years. The four (4) directors shall be elected to two-year terms, where two (2) directors are elected in even numbered years and the two (2) in odd numbered years. From the four (4) directors, the Board of Directors shall elect a vice-president, treasurer and secretary each to serve a one-year term in their respective positions.
Section 4.2 Nominations
At least two months prior to the Annual Fall Meeting, the Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of three members of the WGA. No member of the board shall be a member of the nominating committee, nor may a member of the nominating committee be a candidate for any office. In the event of such consideration, the member (of the nominating committee) shall resign and be replaced by an eligible member.
The nominating committee shall notify all WGA members in good standing of the duties of each office. Any member deciding to run shall make their intentions known, in writing, to any member of the nominating committee. In the event that no one responds for a specific office, the nominating committee shall solicit additional candidates. The nominating committee shall contact the nominees for any open positions to confirm their willingness to accept office.
At least four weeks prior to the Annual Fall Meeting, this committee shall submit to the Board a list of nominees to fill any vacancies for any positions to be elected.
Section 4.3 Elections
At least three weeks prior to the Annual Meeting, the list of candidates shall be posted by e-mail to all members and at least one of the following two additional means: (1) the WGA bulletin board; and/or (2) the WGA website. The e-mail notice to all members shall include notice of the start and the end of the voting period, instructions on how to cast a ballot either electronically or otherwise, a returnable electronic ballot, and instructions for its return. The additional postings shall also include notice of the start and the end of the voting period and instructions on how to cast a ballot either electronically or otherwise.
The voting period for members will begin on the day after initial posting by e-mail to all members and continue for fourteen calendar days. Members may vote either electronically or by paper ballot. Paper ballots shall be available at the River Creek Pro Shop and must be returned by the member by the end of the voting period according to the instructions on the ballot. WGA will send out electronic ballots to all members with the initial e-mail notice of the election, which electronic ballot must be returned according to the accompanying instructions. If a member returns both a paper and an electronic ballot, the latter shall take precedence.
Each member may vote for the listed nominees or may vote by write-in for any other WGA member who has consented to such vote.
Elections shall be by plurality. In the case of directors, the top vote getters corresponding to the number of available positions are elected.
If no quorum is reached by the close of the voting period, then a subsequent election shall be scheduled as soon as possible.
The Nominating Committee shall supervise the election. Electronic ballots shall be returned in such a fashion that neither the Board of Directors nor any of the nominees shall have access.
Section 4.3 (a)
In the event of a tie between any two candidates, the current Nominating Committee shall inform the current President. The current Board shall then call a general meeting open to the membership to be held no later than one week after the voting process has been closed. At this meeting the President will introduce the candidates who will each present their vision for the WGA. Ballets will be distributed during the meeting. Each WGA member will select one candidate of their choice. Ballots will be tallied at the end of the meeting by the current Board. The candidate with the most votes will fill the contested position. This will be the final result.
Section 4.4 Duties
The WGA Board shall conduct the business of the WGA in conformity with the purpose of the WGA and shall be responsible for proposing plans for the consideration of the WGA at the regular meetings. It shall review the treasurer’s proposed budget for the year and control of funds as are necessary to ensure their safekeeping and complete accounting.
Section 4.5 Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet regularly, once a month, at such times and places as they may select, and a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
Any WGA member may attend any board meeting, but will not have any voting privileges. Should a member wish to be recognized, she must submit in writing to the president her intent three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting. Standing and special committee attendance/reports are excluded from written notification.
Special Board of Directors meetings may be called at any time by the president, upon written request of majority of board members or upon written request of twenty-five (25) percent of the membership of the WGA. All members will be notified of any special meetings.
The Board of Directors may remove any member of the Board who misses three consecutive board meetings. Additionally, the Board, by majority vote, may remove a Director for lack of duties performed.
Section 4.6 Vacancies
In the case of any vacancy through death, resignation, disqualification or other cause, the general membership shall be notified of the vacancy within ten (10) business days. Any interested WGA member must express her interest in being elected within seven (7) business days, in writing, to the president of the WGA. The remaining directors, even though less than a quorum, may elect a successor by majority vote to hold office for the unexpired term of the director whose place shall be vacant, and until the election of his successor.
Section 4.7 Procedures and Regulations
The Board of Directors may create such procedures and regulations as it deems necessary and appropriate, subject to countermand by the membership.
Section 5.1 Officers
The officers shall consist of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, and their duties shall be such as their titles would indicate and as indicated below or such as may be assigned to them respectively from time to time.
5.1 (a) President
The president has general supervision over the affairs of the WGA. She shall preside at all meetings of the association and, if requested by the Club, represent the WGA at meetings of the Board of Governors of River Creek Club. She shall be an ex officio member of all committees. She shall call special meetings, as she deems necessary and keep the vice-president informed of all operations of the WGA so that the vice-president may perform the duties in the event of absence or assume that office in the event of a vacancy.
5.1 (b) Vice President
The Vice President shall preside at any meeting in the absence of the president and shall perform other duties as requested by the president. She shall promote the WGA’s membership. She is responsible for advertising and marketing WGA event activities
5.1 (c) Secretary
The Secretary shall take minutes of the board meeting(s) and keep them in her custody. She shall supply members of the WGA Board a copy of the minutes within ten days of the meeting for review and post the approved minutes on the WGA’s bulletin board or the WGA website. She shall have charge of correspondence as delegated to her by the president and/or the WGA Board. She will coordinate with the publicity and marketing representatives for the club to ensure that all WGA information is distributed in a timely manner. She shall maintain a current and accurate WGA membership list and shall furnish the board with a copy of the membership.
5.1 (d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall prepare a draft budget for the new fiscal year and present it to the Board at a meeting within the first two months of the calendar year. The budget must be approved by the WGA Board prior to the Spring Meeting. The approved budget shall be presented to the general membership at the preseason general meeting. The association or members shall not incur any indebtedness not provided for by the budget unless having the approval of the board. She shall keep a proper set of books, and present at each board meeting a report of the finances of the WGA. She shall present her accounts for examination at any member’s request.
Section 5.2 Standing Committees
The Board of Directors shall determine a Handicap Committee and any other standing committees and shall authorize and define the powers and duties of all committees. By the next board meeting after the preseason general meeting, the Board shall select chairpersons of all standing committees. The term of such committees shall terminate with the designation of their successors. In accordance with her assigned duties, as written, each chairperson shall select the members of her committee. The chairperson may attend monthly WGA Board meetings, make reports to the WGA Board at regularly scheduled meetings, and must prepare a final report of activities for the president prior to the fall general election/meeting.
Section 5.3 Special Committees
The Board may create special committees, as they deem necessary, and shall select chairpersons of all special committees. In accordance with her assigned duties, as written, each chairperson shall select the members of her committee. The chairperson may attend monthly WGA Board meetings and report as directed by the Board.
Section 6.1 Procedures
A. These by-laws may be amended in part or in their entirety upon (1) a majority vote of the board of directors, and (2) a vote of the membership as provided here.
B. After approval by the board of directors, the proposed amendment shall be posted by e-mail to all members and at least one of the following two additional means: (1) the WGA bulletin board; and/or (2) the WGA website. The e-mail notice to all members shall include notice of the start and the end of the voting period, instructions on how to cast a ballot either electronically or otherwise, a returnable electronic ballot, and instructions for its return. The additional postings shall also include notice of the start and the end of the voting period and instructions on how to cast a ballot either electronically, or otherwise.
C. The voting period for members will begin on the day after initial posting by e-mail to all members and continue for twenty-one (21) calendar days. Members may vote either electronically or by paper ballot. Paper ballots shall be available at the River Creek Pro Shop and must be returned by the member by the end of the voting period according to the instructions on the ballot. WGA will send out electronic ballots to all members with the initial e-mail notice of the proposed amendment, which electronic ballot must be returned according to the accompanying instructions. If a member returns both a paper and an electronic ballot, the latter shall take precedence.
D. The proposed amendment shall be approved and effective unless 45% (forty-five percent) of the total membership number, as of the previous March 31, returns ballots disapproving the proposed amendment.
Bylaws revised:
Article IV, Section II; Article VI, Section II, III; March 2008 (per Board of Governors)
Amendment II, Article VII, Section I: November 2006 (per Board of Governors)
Amendment I, Article V, Section II: October 2004 (per Board of Governors)
Bylaws revised: October 2009 (per Board of Governors)
Article XII: March 2012
Bylaws revised: September 2012
Article III, Section 3.7; Article IV, Section 4.4; Article V, Section 5.1 (d); and minor clarifications
Bylaws revised: November 2016
Article IV, 4.3 (a)